Sound Impact

Sound Impact | Classical, Contemporary Chamber Music and Education

About the Artist/Ensemble

Founded in 2013, Sound Impact (SI) is a collective of musicians dedicated to connecting, engaging and empowering youth beyond the concert hall through performances and education programs. Its mission is underpinned by the belief that music has the ability to ignite positive social change when employed as a tool for community engagement. SI reaches over 10,000 young people annually through programs including in-school education concerts, classroom curriculum, interactive workshops, a virtual education series, innovative ukulele training, incarcerated youth residencies, international festivals, and cultural exchange opportunities.

Sound Impact has presented concerts at the Embassy of Costa Rica, the Ethical Society in Philadelphia, Kennedy Center, Mexican Cultural Institute, Mount Vernon, National Gallery of Art, Orange Music Society, and Spain Arts and Culture in Washington, D.C.

Concert/Performance Description

Chamber Music Concert
A unique blend of traditional classical music and contemporary compositions for adult community members in non-traditional venues.

Technical Requirements

  • Concerts: three or four armless chairs, stage lighting, microphone (voice)
  • Education programs: 3 standing microphones (voice), electrical outlet (less than 30 ft away), projector, small table or cart to place a laptop and projector
  • Outdoor concerts: require amplification for all instruments

Educational Programs

Time Travel Through Music Assemblies
The musicians of Sound Impact present an interactive time travel adventure exploring music’s role throughout history, including curriculum connections to global cultures, history/social studies, language arts, social justice and social emotional learning with a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. A quartet of Sound Impact musicians combines live performances, storytelling, digital vignettes and interactive activities for the students during the assemblies, which end with a Q&A session. Designed for k-6 students, aligned with VA Standards of Learning.

“Use Your Voice” Residencies for youth impacted by the justice system
Three-day residencies at juvenile detention centers focusing on youth development by providing opportunities to increase self-confidence and tools for self-expression while combining creative writing and musical creation and collaboration.


  • All Ages
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