Funding Credit
VA250 Impact grantees are required to use the Virginia Commission for the Arts (VCA) and Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission (VA250) logos and branding identification in all promotional materials, online content, and other public-facing communications related to the grant-funded program (e.g., programs, print and online newsletters, educational materials, brochures, posters, news releases, websites, catalogues, videos, curtain speeches, and other special events as appropriate).
For print/online acknowledgment, please use the following:
This project was supported, in part, by the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission (VA250)
For radio or television broadcasts, please use the following language:
This project is supported in part by an award from the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission (VA250).
For television broadcasts, a display of the current VCA and VA250 logos are required.
In order to prevent inappropriate crediting, VCA and VA250 crediting language should specify the supported program/activity. Organizations must remove VCA and VA250 acknowledgments from their websites and printed materials at the completion of their respective grant periods.