Arts in Practice

Arts in Practice

Arts in Practice

The Arts in Practice grants program provides support of up to $2,000 (15 percent cash match) to eligible Virginia Pre-K-12 schools, not-for-profit organizations, and units of local and tribal government for short-term residencies focused on participatory and experiential learning conducted by professional teaching artists.


To increase opportunities for students, educators, youth, and adult citizens throughout Virginia to engage in short-term artist residencies (20 hours of less) and promote Virginia teaching artists.


Arts in Practice Grants enhance arts education by funding in-person, participatory residencies/workshops led by artists listed on the VCA Teaching Artist Roster. This is a rolling grant program and applications are reviewed by Commission staff in the order in which they are received. A 15% cash match is required for this grant.

Eligible Applicants

  • Virginia federally tax-exempt schools (public, public charter, private, alternative, special education schools, homeschools, career and technical centers, colleges, and universities)
  • Virginia nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations
  • Virginia units of local and tribal governments (including libraries, departments of parks and recreation, correctional facilities, etc.)
  • Current VCA Teaching Artists who are permanent Virginia residents


  • Organizations receiving GOS grants may not apply for Arts in Practice Grants.
  • Eligible applicants may apply for no more than two Arts in Practice Grants within a fiscal year.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Meets the basic eligibility requirements as listed on page 9
  • All programming must take place in ADA-compliant facilities in Virginia
  • Must not be under current debarment or suspension from federal funding
  • Must have no past due Final Reports to the VCA at the time of application

Eligible Activities

  • Short-term, in-person participatory residencies led by VCA Teaching Artists not to exceed 20 hours, taking place in Virginia between July 1, 2024 – June 15, 2025.
  • Activities could include workshops or demonstrations with a participatory component, community arts projects, or professional development for arts

Residency Examples

  • An elementary school engages a dance artist for four weeks to conduct 45-minute weekly sessions with each third-grade classroom to integrate movement with their study of migration. 
  • A poet is brought in by a community center to work with a group of senior citizens on memory and personal history through poetry. 
  • A theatre artist conducts a workshop for teachers of rural second-language English learners to develop lessons utilizing theatre performance techniques to support language development. 
  • A nonprofit organization coordinates a one-day military/veteran’s family event where teaching artists conduct mini-workshops and demonstrations. 


  • Arts in Practice grants support contracted professional fees, supplies, and travel expenses negotiated between the organization and the VCA Teaching Artist. Professional fees must equal or exceed 50% of the total grant request.
  • The Arts in Practice grant is not intended to support concerts, assemblies, or field trips. 
  • Assessment is required to measure residency effectiveness in meeting the program goals. 

Application Deadline

Arts in Practice is a rolling grant program that opens May 1, 2024. Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis by Commission staff until April 15, 2025, or until funds are fully committed. Applicants must apply at least two weeks prior to the activity.

Assistance Amount

Up to $2,000 (15 percent cash match), subject to the overall limit of $10,000 per VCA Teaching Artist.

Cash Match

Grant awards to organizations must include a 15 percent cash match. Sources of matching funds may include revenue from the project activities such as ticket sales, contributions from foundations or corporations, government support from federal or local sources, or cash from the organization’s own accounts. 

In-kind Support

In-kind contributions cannot be counted as part of a cash match. In-kind contributions are the dollar value of materials and services that are provided to a project at no cash cost from sources other than the applicant, e.g. volunteer hours or donated space. However, it is important to document and include information on in-kind contributions as part of the application budget. In-kind donations help to demonstrate a community’s support of a project. 

Required Attachments

The following forms will be provided by the VCA via upload in the online grant application:

  • Project Budget Form 
  • Signed Certification of Assurances   
  • Virginia W-9 Form  

All applicants must generate and upload the following documents:

  • Singed contract between the Teaching Artist and Facilitator 
  • IRS 501(c)(3) Determination Letter (Nonprofits only)

Application/Review/Payment Procedure

  1. Applicants must complete and submit the online application to the Commission at least two weeks before the proposed activity/residency.
  2. The Commission staff reviews each application for completeness and eligibility. Incomplete or ineligible applications will not be reviewed, will be returned to the applicant with an explanation, and will not be funded.
  3. Arts in Practice Grants are not automatic and confirmation/grant award letters are generally emailed two weeks after receipt of a completed and approved application.
  4. Applicants must submit Final Reports within 30 days after the completion of the activities. Final Report forms can be found on the applicant’s dashboard. Failure to submit the Final Report will affect future funding.
  5. Payment will be made in full approximately 30 days after the receipt of the Final Report.
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