Creative Communities Partnership Grants

Creative Communities Partnership Grants

Creative Communities Partnership Grants

The Commission will match, up to $4,500, subject to funds available, the tax monies given by independent town, city, county, and tribal governments to independent arts organizations. The funding, which does not include school arts budgets or arts programming by local governments, committees, or councils of government, nor departments such as parks and recreation, may be sub-granted either by a local arts commission/council or directly by the governing body. 


To encourage local and tribal governments to support the arts.


The Commission will match, up to $4,500, subject to funds available, the tax monies given by independent town, city, county, and tribal governments to independent arts organizations. The funding, which does not include school arts budgets or arts programming by local governments, committees or councils of government, nor departments such as parks and recreation, may be sub-granted either by a local arts commission/council or directly by the governing body.

Eligible Applicants

Independent city, town, county, or tribal governments in Virginia. 

Eligible Activities

Grants to independent, ADA-compliant arts organizations for arts activities in the locality, including activities that provide opportunities for underserved, under-resourced, and under-represented communities. The Commission does not match payments paid to performers for specific performances. Local governments seeking such funding should apply to the Virginia Touring Grants program.


April 1, 2025, by 5:00 p.m. EST for local and tribal government grants awarded in 2025-2026

NOTE: A local or tribal government that has not approved its budget by the grant deadline may apply conditionally and confirm the application as soon as possible.

Amount of Assistance

Up to $4,500, subject to funds available. Local government (excluding tribal) match must be from local government funds; federal funds may not be included.

Criteria for Evaluating Applications

  • Clearly defined policies and procedures for awarding local funds to arts organizations
  • Demonstrated community impact

Application/Review Process

  1. Applicants must complete and submit the online application to the Commission by the deadline.
  2. The Commission staff reviews each application for completeness and eligibility. Incomplete or ineligible applications will not be reviewed, will be returned to the applicant with an explanation, and will not be funded.
  3. The Commission staff makes recommendations on levels of funding for each application.
  4. The Commission Board reviews the staff recommendations and takes final action on the applications.
  5. Applicants are notified of Commission action by email following vote at the Commission Board meeting and pending enactment of the fiscal year budget per the General Assembly.

Payment Process and Reporting Requirements

After confirmation of the grant award, each local or tribal government must complete the online Final Report/confirmation form that demonstrates its governing Board has appropriated the matching funds and the funds from the Commission. This confirmation must include the appropriate page of the local government’s approved 2025 – 2026 budget and a copy of the check(s) to the sub-grantee(s). The Commission will pay the grant match in full after receiving this confirmation. The deadline for the Final Report/Confirmation is February 1, 2026, by 5:00 p.m. EST. Failure to submit a Final Report by February 1 will result in the loss of the grant.

NOTE: If the local or tribal government receives more than $750,000 in yearly federal expenditures from Commonwealth agencies, they must submit a Single Audit Report.

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