This grant program makes general operating support of $2,500 available to small, nonprofit arts organizations (with previous year income of $20,000 - $150,000), that have arts as the core of their mission, and provide public access to ongoing arts programs.
The Commission will match, up to $4,500, subject to funds available, the tax monies given by independent town, city, county, and tribal governments to independent arts organizations. The funding, which does not include school arts budgets or arts programming by local governments, committees, or councils of government, nor departments such as parks and recreation, may be sub-granted either by a local arts commission/council or directly by the governing body.
The purpose of General Operating Support Grants for Medium and Large Arts Organizations is to invest in high-caliber arts organizations in fulfilling their missions. The VCA serves as a partner by providing operating funds to continue, strengthen, and expand arts experiences that benefit all Virginians.