Amanda Pillion 

 Amanda Pillion 

Amanda Pillion

Region 7 Commissioner

Meet Your Commissioner 

How have the arts impacted you?

Although I am not an artist myself, I have enjoyed and appreciated the arts throughout my life. From theatre to music to visual arts, I find inspiration and peace from the works of artists around me.

How have you seen the arts impact Virginians?

I live in rural Southwest Virginia, and the arts are a vital part of my region. They represent our heritage and bring others to our area to visit and learn about us. The arts community and the tourism it brings are essential to my region.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I am a voracious reader. I am usually reading at least two books and listening to two books at any given time. I enjoy pretty much any genre and will read anything I can find, especially if I am bored.

If you could be a world class artist, what would you be/do?

I would love to be able to sing. Sadly, I cannot sing at all, despite participating in choirs throughout childhood. I am truly terrible, but at least I have an ear that is trained enough to realize this!

If you had to say what your superpower was, what might that be?

I would say that my superpower is the fact that I am unable to conceal my emotions and thoughts from those around me. I am an open book in the truest sense of the word (this is also my biggest detriment!)

Amanda Lawson Pillion is a lifelong resident of Southwest Virginia, currently living in Abingdon with her husband and four children. She is an Audiologist but has many other “jobs”. Amanda serves on Abingdon’s Town Council and recently completed a term as Mayor. She has worked with arts organizations locally for many years and was a founding member of the Abingdon Arts Commission, which aims to help small, local organizations with funding and support. Currently she serves as a member of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors, the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Board, and other local entities. Amanda has served on the Virginia Commission for the Arts since 2019. 

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