VCA Announces over $100,000 in grants celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution in Virginia

The Virginia Commission for the Arts (VCA) is delighted to announce grant awards totaling over $100,000 for VA250 Impact Grants. The VCA’s new grant initiative, in partnership with the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission (VA250), offers one-time programmatic support for dynamic arts programs that spark a ‘Revolution of Ideas,’ celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution and the enduring spirit of innovation that founded our nation.

“We are at a pivotal moment where we celebrate not just the history, but the enduring legacy of revolutionary ideas that continue to shape Virginia and our world”, stated VCA Executive Director Margaret Hancock.  “The partnership between the VCA and the VA250 Commission through the VA250 Impact Grant Program is a testament to our commitment to explore and commemorate our nation’s journey through the arts.  As we mark 250 years of progress, these funded programs will ensure that the arts remain a vibrant and integral part of this historic commemoration.”

VA250 Impact Grant activities include a wide array of artistic endeavors, from thought-provoking visual arts exhibitions to dynamic live performances, and from interactive public art installations to educational workshops taking place between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025. Awardees included Virginia’s local and tribal governments and public educational institutions from across all regions of the Commonwealth.

The following projects received VCA VA250 Impact Grants:

VA250 Impact Grant Awardees Link

Additional statewide events related to the 250th commemoration can be found on the VA250 website.

About the Virginia Commission for the Arts

The Virginia Commission for the Arts, established in 1968, is the state agency dedicated to investing in the arts across the Commonwealth of Virginia. The VCA fulfills its mission through funding from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, distributing grant awards to Virginia artists; arts organizations; educational institutions; nonprofit organizations; educators; and local and tribal governments. Learn more at

Media Contact
Margaret Hancock, Executive Director

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